Responsive Web Design on the WordPress CMS x

Wisconsin Head Start Assn.

Their Need

Further, while they needed professional development they also needed the ownership, control, speed and economy that direct hands-on website management can provide. A WordPress platform provides this better than any other. And Resonate provided the highly customized development and training to exceed their needs and provided options and services they didn’t even know were available to them.

What we provided

  • Web Design – Intuitive and broadly integrated content presentation. To provide quick and easy access to the vast amount of information available for two distinct audiences without overwhelming or confusing the visitor.
  • CMS – Content Management System – Provide the nimbleness for quick and easy updating of frequent information updates, in varied content categories, audience types and interests.
  • Performance – Caregivers, frequently first-time visitors (as opposed to repeat members) needed to find local services quickly and easily while providing rich content for informed decision making.
  • Calendar of events – A robust, intuitive and content rich calendar was central given the primary focus of providing services.
  • Multi-channel and Social Media integration – WHSA needs to be everywhere their expansive members and member communities are and how they prefer to access information. Email, Smart Phone, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, RSS etc. were all customized, branded, integrated and readied for their use.
  • Spanish Speaking Translation – There are a few good translation tools. Every one is flawed. The difference is only by what extent. How to provide an intelligent, quick and easy management and correction of inevitable errors was addressed and an elegantly solution provided.
  • Mobile web optimization – While not all of their audience has or may be at their computer a significant majority of them need access to website content via their smart phone. The full site is accessible without need of band-aid “mobile skins” or additional “aps” development and expense.
  • Type:
    Public / Community Service
  • Client:
    Wisconsin Head Start Assn.
  • Website:
  • Intro:
    The statewide professional association serving member Head Start offices, their directors and staff needed a complete rethinking and overhaul of their online presence. While a member focused, professional association they needed to likewise serve their members client families and individual communities. How to effectively and intuitively present the sheer volume of information, engage and service both audience segments was the key objective.
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